Braces First Aid
Poking wire - cut poking end with toenail clippers and/or place wax over it.
Headgear not fitting - don't wear until the next appointment
Broken/ loose bracket - wait till the next appointment if it does not bother or irritate
Loose back band - wait till the next appointment if it does not bother or irritate
Colored O-ring off a bracket - wait till the next appointment
Metal tie-wire poking - push in with the eraser end of a pencil
Severe trauma with loose teeth - call the doctor or your general dentist ASAP
Broken main archwire - place wax, if not irritate, wait till next appointment
Sore teeth - this is normal and often lasts for a few days after each visit, esp. after the first visit after braces were first placed. Take ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) if you're not allergic or Tylenol if you are
Broken Retainer - Make an appointment ASAP and bring all broken pieces to be evaluated
Remember that loose and broken braces are most often caused by eating the wrong foods. Our original estimated treatment time assumes no appliance breakages. Loose and broken braces prolong treatment!